
Plain Divider

Fortuna’s divider element is a very powerful tool that can be customized in various ways with just a few clicks. You can modify its width, height, color, margins, add custom animations to it, add an icon to it, modify the icon color, background, size, border, position etc. Combined with the more than 1200 Icons that Fortuna ships with along with the custom sizes and colors you have you vurtually have unlimited number of customizion options for your Dividers. Here are some examples below:

Custom Height, Width & Color

Fortuna features a highly customizable divider element.

Custom Height, Width & Color

Fortuna features a highly customizable divider element.

Custom Height, Width & Color

Fortuna features a highly customizable divider element.

Custom Height, Width & Color

Fortuna features a highly customizable divider element.

Custom Width & Color Divider

Fortuna features a highly customizable divider element.

Iconed Divider

Fortuna features a highly customizable divider element.

Iconed Divider

Fortuna features a highly customizable divider element.

Iconed Divider

Fortuna features a highly customizable divider element.

Iconed Divider

Fortuna features a highly customizable divider element.

Iconed Divider

Fortuna features a highly customizable divider element.

Iconed Divider

Fortuna features a highly customizable divider element.

Iconed Divider

Fortuna features a highly customizable divider element.

Iconed Divider

Fortuna features a highly customizable divider element.

Iconed Divider

Fortuna features a highly customizable divider element.

Iconed Divider, custom size, Background and color

Iconed Divider with BGR

Fortuna features a highly customizable divider element.

Iconed Divider with BGR

Fortuna features a highly customizable divider element.

Iconed Divider with BGR

Fortuna features a highly customizable divider element.

Iconed Divider with BGR

Fortuna features a highly customizable divider element.

Iconed Divider with BGR

Fortuna features a highly customizable divider element.

Iconed Divider with BGR

Fortuna features a highly customizable divider element.

Iconed Divider

Fortuna features a highly customizable divider element.

Iconed Divider

Fortuna features a highly customizable divider element.

Iconed Divider

Fortuna features a highly customizable divider element.

Animated Dividers

Fortuna features a highly customizable divider element.

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